3.26.22 HUDDLE

Zach Below   -  

This week we close out our Excel Series. For the past 7 weeks we have been exploring what it means to excel in generosity. However, do to staff illness, we will not be having a normal huddle this week. Feel free to choose one of the suggestions below or design your own huddle time. 

  1. Use last week’s huddle or one that you have never used.
  2. Read Matthew 6:25-34 and have a discussion about how worry and generosity are linked.
  3. Skip the lesson and catch up with one another.
  4. Have a prayer time centered around generosity. Prayerfully read Matthew 6:25-34. Then, guide your group to ask God to reveal a person they who has modeled extravagant generosity in their lives. Finally, ask that God would either reveal one action that can help you move one step more into excelling in generosity.