Forgiveness to Healing

Mark Weaver   -  

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” Akshay Dubey

A partial truth is still a lie. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Sticks and stones may indeed break bones, but if good words have the power to build up, then bad words have the power to tear down and wound. 

Too many people try to minimize their emotional wounds. Not only are emotional wounds real, but they can have long-term effects on many areas of our lives. The enemy will use these wounds to get us to believe lies about ourselves and others. These lies deal with our worth, future, abilities, and relationships. Not only are the wounds real, but so are the strongholds of lies.

God can give you the grace to forgive and be forgiven. He will follow forgiveness with healing. Then He will release you into the freedom from the control of the damage to living the life He desires for you. 

What are some lies you have believed from wounds you have suffered?

Who do you need to forgive to walk in the freedom Christ has paid for?

Is there someone you need to talk to that can bring light to your situation?

Lord, how beautiful are Your ways. Thank You for healing that restores us into the health that You desire for us to glorify You. Amen