Student Huddle 4

Ubi Ntewo   -  

Studen Huddle Week 4 from One Life Network on Vimeo.
Discussion Content
Prior to viewing the video, please read 2Chr 32.7-23

Ubi mentioned his shock upon discovering that not all Americans are friendly. What are some possible scenarios (positive and negative) that could have occurred as a result of this “World View”?


In light of Ubi’s “World View” of winter in the States, was he rational in not preparing for the cold?


What does Ubi’s initial experiences of America reveal about the relationship between World View and reality?


What does Hezekiah’s worldview reveal of his beliefs regarding:

Humanity and our fate?
Power and its source?
God and his view of humanity?


What does Sennacherib’s worldview reveal of his beliefs regarding:

Humanity and our fate?
Power and its source?
God and his view of humanity?


Which view, Hezekiah’s or Sennacherib’s, is consistent with reality (truth)?


Based on what you know of Jesus, which king had a worldview consistent with his?


What are some possible outcomes and implications of having a worldview that is inconsistent with reality (truth)?


Is it important to have a worldview that is consistent with reality (truth)? Why?

Share one reason for believing your worldview is consistent with reality (truth).

Action Steps:

Observe three people and see if you can determine their worldview from their behavior.
Ask God to make your worldview more consistent with the truth.