Because 50 Student Huddle Week 7

Jodie Blemker   -  

Click Here to watch this weeks wrap up video on our BECAUSE 50 journey. 
What has been your greatest takeaway over the last 6 weeks of Because?What would it look like to begin implementing some of these things in our everyday lives.  Is there anything we can do as a group to encourage one another in this process?What concepts have you wrestled with or has your group struggled with the most?  Has it left you asking any new questions about who God is and what role he plays in our lives?
Group Leaders-We will have a center area marked for our One Life Students, Leaders, and Families.  We will invite a familiar face in from each campus early so students will know where to go.  Doors open at 5:30, but doors won’t open for seating until the event begins at 6 p.m.  We are so excited about the evening!  We know many of you are utilizing time to get together with your campuses for dinner before or after.Here are some questions that may help set your students up for BECAUSE:
1. As followers of Jesus, why is it important to worship with full hearts both at worship nights like BECAUSE and in our daily lives?2.  What does Extravagant worship look like?  If worship is a response to Who Jesus is, how do we respond adequately?  Can it look different for different people?We are excited to Worship together this Sunday evening!  See you there!