October 15, 2015

Trey McClain   -  

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:19-24
19I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you.20I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare. 21For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. 23I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I see how things go with me. 24And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.
Questions for Reflection:
Paul tells the church at Philippi that he would be sending Timothy to them. Timothy would go, spend time with the Philippians and then return to Paul with the news of how the church was doing. How did Paul describe Timothy? What was so unique about Timothy? Why is it rare for someone to “show genuine concern” for others? Do you feel like you do that? How can you get better at putting the concern for others and for the gospel above your own interest? Spend time today praying that God would give you a heart for those you are around. Ask Him to help you love and lead them with genuine concern today.