What Will I Do With My Time?

Rebecca Rohrscheib   -  

In the workspace that I chose to work from today I have a view of jars of marbles. Three of them labeled 15 years, 10 years, and 6 months. Each of them have different amounts, with the jar labeled 6 months having the most. They represent the amount of weeks that a parent of that age child has remaining to influence them before they graduate.

That’s a sobering thought, definitely, but today it fuels me! It fuels me to recommit to being intentional as a parent and as I lead in ministry. Our time with kids is limited. It’s going away whether we like it or not. What are we going to do with the time we’re given? There’s a lot to do as we parent and spiritually lead our kids, but here are two ways that you can think on today about being intentional with the time you have left with your kids.
Be intentional with how your child’s time is filled.  This may mean you re-evaluate what fills your child’s calendar. Some things may need to be dropped and other things be added because of what you want to see them become.
Be intentional when you’re with your child. I’ve said often that as parents to be on the lookout for teachable moments. Free yourself from the ideal that leading your child spiritually has to be planned out, or include a song, prayer time, scripture reading, memorization, and a themed activity. Most of the spiritual leading for our children occurs when circumstances arrive at our doorstep. Let’s face it. A lot of parenting is hands on and in the moment. So do have some planned spiritual leading that you’ve thought out (talking about making a decision to follow Christ, talking to your child about baptism, etc) but also embrace the teachable moments using the filter of what you want to see them become.
At One Life we are cheering you on as you parent and lead your child spiritually! Go get ‘em, parents! You got this!