Top 10 One Life Church Moments of 2014

Austin Maxheimer   -  

#10 – Ang & Uncharted
It’s hard to capture all that happens through Uncharted International—churches planted, orphans homes built, street kids school underway, 220 sent on trips—but we will go with Ang.  Ang was a film on human trafficking to raise awareness and tell the story of how Uncharted is responding in Myanmar to help not only end the slavery there, but restore the lives impacted by this evil. It is a prime example of overcoming darkness with light, which is only possible by the presence of the Church.
Global Impact: Because Jesus said to make disciples of all NATIONS.
#9 — Project Life
Projects are days where we envision that the entire Sunday morning gathering is nothing but Explorers and we take one piece of the Christian Message and deliver it in a way that connects completely to our current cultural climate. Project Life took a close look at the Resurrection and what it means for our lives. Plus the creative team figured out a crucial logistical problem of multi-site delivery that will enable us to expand the medium moving forward.
Cultural Communication: Because Jesus told his story in human terms.
#8 — Global Leadership Summit
It was another momentous year for the GLS in the One Life Network. Myanmar added its third location, it launched in Dubai, there was a preview on the Westside for next year’s second Evansville location at West and we had record numbers attend in Henderson. There was also a significant step forward in developing our leaders community wide with the KYNDLE leadership series where business, non-profit, educators and high school students received quality leadership training.
Leadership Development: Because Jesus poured his life into the few to impact the many.
#7 — Faith for Doubters Series
We took 9-weeks to address the biggest reasons for doubt expressed by our culture, covering everything from “why God allows suffering” to “what about homosexuality” to “how can Jesus be the only way”? This was an important step for us being a place where Explorers can voice questions and be answered with intellectual integrity.
Cultural Influence: Because Jesus is Lord over every aspect of human life.
#6 — Project Life, the Series
One of the things we have noticed a needed correction in was the discipleship on our teams. Project Life, the Series was our response to what God was teaching us as a church family. For 10-weeks we took an in-depth look at the basics of Christianity through Alpha and are using it as a launching pad to make every one of our teams a discipling experience.
Leadership Development: Because Jesus poured his life into the few to impact the many.
#5 — City Serve Day
On April 5, One Life Church joined with 26 other churches in the Evansville-Henderson area to take a tangible step towards building a great city. Over 1,200 volunteers showed up to serve with the Cities, neighbors and community partners as a great witness to what can be done when we work together.
Community Development: Because Jesus revolutionized the world by placing high value on the least.
#4 — Full Life Conference
Nicknamed the “Holy Spirit Explosion Day”—that is precisely what happened! We gathered together to learn how the fullness of our lives is fulfilled through God’s Spirit alive in us. It was a powerful day better experienced than explained with singing, prayer and discussion. Most importantly it was a refueling for the mission God has called us to, but doing so relying on His Spirit.
Prayer and Worship: Because no movement happens without God moving.
#3 – Mission Teams
We have been leading towards more missional small groups for a couple years now, but took another step towards our mission of helping people far from God experience Jesus by deploying our Life Groups to be Mission Teams, on mission in our communities on an ongoing basis, activating our people to be the vehicle God uses to build a great city.
Cultural Influence: Because Jesus is Lord over every aspect of human life.
#2 — Launch of East/ Easter
The Vision of One Life Church is to be a church planting organization devoted to reaching unchurched secular minded people. On April 20, One Life Network launched its 3rd campus, the culmination of countless volunteer hours and sacrificial giving. We are now on mission in three communities, helping people far from God experience Jesus. Easter was also our record attendance day with 3,617 attending.
Church Planting: Because it’s the single most effective way to reach people far from God.
#1 — Baptisms
80+ were baptized this year in our three baptism services. Baptisms in Garvin Park together as a Network in July, then followed by our first baptisms in three communities in November was a powerful visible expression of our mission—people declaring they have experienced Jesus and put their faith in him.
Prayer and Worship: Because no movement happens without God moving.