My Top GLS Takeaways

Bret Nicholson   -  

One Lifers, last week I was reminded again just how important and life-impacting the Global Leadership Summit is. Overall I was in awe at the quality and power of this event. Below are a few of my big takeaways. Most importantly, though, I would love for you to add your own to the bottom of this post. What were your top takeaways? What did God press into your heart?
1. I have permission to learn.  Leaders are learners. It’s very freeing to remember, by definition, what we are doing at the GLS is learning. Most importantly, this means we are fully acknowledging we are NOT doing some or even most of the things we are challenged to do. I can be struck with an idea or challenged and feel the freedom to start applying something I’ve never done before. I can change. The greatest lesson I’ve ever learned is that I can learn. The GLS gives me framework for improvement and brighter days. The beauty is everybody wins when a leader gets better.
2. Teaching and preaching matter. I have re-embraced the importance of preaching and teaching. The GLS is leadership development par excellence and, it is an event of individuals preaching and teaching. A survey following 2013’s GLS, showed the impact of the GLS:

45% report numeric growth in their organization from applying skills learned at the GLS.
15% did not quit ministry as they had planned prior to attending
33% developed a closer personal relationship with God
50% started interacting with groups they had no contact with before
90% felt greater satisfaction, significance in their position
9% started either a new church or another organization or business
77% were in inspired to start serving the poor, fighting injustice, sharing the gospel more effectively and get involved in educational pursuits.
74% found new ways to accomplish their vision

Leadership is never only listening to taught content. But taught content is amazingly powerful and influential. It is the starting place. From there, mentoring, opportunities to lead, relational interaction happen. The content of the teaching is the fuel and framework for those other activities. I was re-inspired to take the role of preaching and teaching more seriously in my life but also press to see good content delivered to One Lifers and the larger community.
3. Leadership is serving and unlocking potential. This is basic but provided an under-current reminder that leadership is all about helping others. It is a service rendered. Patrick Lencioni delivered a classic line: “I am tired of hearing about ‘servant leadership’ because there is no other kind.”
4. The GLS and the kind of content it delivers ought to be infused into our community. Just imagine if all of the organizations represented in the Tri-State area were to faithfully apply just ONE of the instructions (for example, “Crucial Conversations”) to their organizations. We would revolutionize our community. What would it take to get this kind of training to our city leaders, educators, business people and non-profit leaders? We got to hear from a car lot dealer owner who beautifully integrated biblical principles into his business. Then, a tax collector in Uganda of all things, who could articulate how she formed a biblical foundation collecting taxes. Next years GLS ought to have double the attendees.
5. Leaders who make the greatest impact are driven by a larger perspective. From Bill Hybel’s “make a legacy play” to Giglio’s “Life is Short, God is Big, Take a Step”, I loved the GLS for re-calibrating my soul for the things in life that really matter. I left with a passion to glorify God and to serve people.
6. We CAN build a great city. I left the GLS more in love with the Tri-State than ever. I also left believing we can see genuine, deep and high impact transformation happen at every level of our society. It’s not a pipe-dream. We were given the challenge, the motivation and the tools. Now it’s time to act.
What were some of your takeaways OR – what did God stir in your heart?