Important Coming Out Of “Titan Day Online Service”

Trey McClain   -  

One Lifers,
It’s been one of the wildest winters I’ve seen in my lifetime. I don’t remember winter storms having names!
Our basic rule on whether or not we cancel our services has been: if the city leaders shut things down, we will close One Life. If not, we are on. We want to make canceling very unusual.
This Sunday was a weird one. Watching what was going to happen on the news, it looked like the worst of it would happen in the afternoon, so I headed out the door, only to find my car already covered in ice and a walk that was getting slick. That did it. The fear was, getting our fairly large army of volunteers to the building early but causing them serious problems getting home. We called it off.
Thankfully, there was a backup plan that many of you took us up on. We showed over 500 views and counting of our online service. If you consider multiple people watching a single stream that’s pretty amazing. . . certainly much more than we would have had show up to our building. I loved the line: we were one church in hundreds of locations Sunday.
And, it ended up being kind of fun. It was the first time my own family has been able to sit in a service together in ages.
All of that, please keep this in mind:
We are in “plant gear”. Our East plant is picking up steam as we approach Easter. As you can imagine, having a winter storm that has everyone out of the building can wreak havoc on our budget if we are not careful.
I’m not ashamed to ask: please go online and do your normal giving, but remember our “plant gear” generosity call. We could hit things well if every adult simply gave an extra $15 per week between now and launch. Click here to give.
I have to say, with all the winter craziness, I absolutely can’t wait for Easter and the opening of East. We are going to have a blast — especially since everyone is going to be so ready for Spring it will feel like one giant party!
Love you all,