Why I Hang Out With Students: Part 1

Jodie Blemker   -  

I started working with middle school and high school students about 7 years ago.  It was so funny how it happened, because I simply got asked to go to camp with the group and be an adult leader.  I was barely an adult myself (and that may still be debatable), but it sounded like fun and I said I would go.  Then one of the directors of the ministry asked if I wanted to start hanging out with the student ministry at their events and studies… I was terrified. I thought, “they will smell my fear and destroy me”.  

I remember the first time I went – I called my best friend and she gave me a response back with some great encouragement of not being afraid, but be directed in love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) So I went in and tried my best to talk to the few people I already knew, and kind of stayed to myself until the end of the evening, and suddenly – Some of the girls started walking up to me and just telling me about their day, about the guys they wished were their boyfriends, and how long it took them in the mornings to get ready for school.  I was blown away.  Here I was all scared to talk to them, and they ended up coming and talking to me, and were craving someone to just listen.
Fast Forward to today and I’m still blown away how that never really changes with each new generation of students.  I always think.. “Okay, this is the generation that realizes how lame I really am”, and then I end up with 14 new friends who want to hang out with me, and listen to what I think about Jesus and still just want someone to listen to them.
Sarah Inman- One Life West Site Director