The Occasional Parent

Rebecca Rohrscheib   -  

the occasional exerciser
since january, i’ve been trying to up my exercise routine.  it has increased, but it is still in the realm of an “occasional exerciser” which unfortunately isn’t yielding the fitness results that i want. i can blame it on time, being too tired, and being too busy, but the fact is it’s not happening because i’m not making it a priority.  the same can be true of any goal we desire in life…if we aren’t making it a priority, it’s likely not happening, or not happening at the results that you want.  
the occasional parent
we are all guilty of not parenting at times.  and it can be blamed on time, tiredness, being too busy, and more, just like the reasons for not exercising.  parenting is tough and requires lots of energy, emotions, courage, and wisdom.  we can be pulled away from parenting in so many ways.  our jobs, our own personal needs, our wants, the world’s temptations, and more.  just recently i had to remind myself to parent my daughter.  to not lose that time to invest in her life.  thankfully, our God gives us all that we need to do what He has called us to.  most of the time we just have to remind ourselves to take the time with our kids. this week, evaluate your time as a parent and pray for God  to show you what you need to do to be the parent He’s called you to be.
what are ways you have found success in investing in your child as a parent?