Henderson Students January 2018 Update

One Life Network   -  

Life can often be a difficult journey.  Sometimes it’s difficult because of the choices we’ve made, but other times it’s difficult because of the circumstances beyond our control.  In this 4-week series, you’ll challenge students to look at their plan in a new way.  By studying the book of Exodus and the stories of Moses and the Israelites, you’ll help them see that God can turn their pain into progress by growing them, preparing them, purifying them and uniting them.
New Year, New Wednesday Night Student Services!
After taking a short break to allow our leaders some downtime with their families over the holidays, Students will reconvene on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:15pm.  
Some things will remain the same.  We will still begin the evening by fellowshipping together in the front lobby before going into the big room for worship.  The difference will be that, after the worship music is over, our middle schoolers will gather together for their very own group games, teaching and small group time while the high schoolers meet in another area of the church to do the same.  This allows us to better serve our students by customizing the activities and discussion to their age group.  As we know, there is quite a maturity difference between a 12-year-old 6-grader and an 18-year-old high-schooler.  Our prayer is that this change will allow us to dive deeper into the word and connect with them easier on a level that is matched to their stage of life.  
What’s a student night without food?  We will begin providing, at no charge, pizza on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  There will be a snack bar available each Wednesday where food and drink items can be purchased and consumed in the front lobby during the time before worship.  
Upcoming Events
Friday, Jan 26th – Student Dodgeball:  All middle and high school students are invited to attend a fun evening of dodgeball at Metro in Evansville, 7:30-10:30pm.  Please have your child notify their leader if transportation is needed.  
Wednesday, Feb 21st – Parent Night:  All parents of middle and high school students are invited to come experience 1st hand, what their children are doing at One Life.  Dinner will be provided and a time will be available to answer questions and have discussion with the leaders.  
Help Us, Help You
What is one thing, as a parent of a teenager, that our church could do to better serve you?  What can we do to help you with your teenager?