June 23, 2015

Trey McClain   -  

Scripture: Galatians 6:12-16
12Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh. 14May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 16Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God.
Questions for Reflection:
One of the themes of Paul’s writing is the idea of believers becoming a new creation. Paul, in writing to the church in Galatia, denounces the idea of being worthy through the law. What does he say is the motivating factor for those trying to prove their righteousness under the law (verse 12)? How does Paul express the futility of that attempt in verse 13? What counts to Paul (verse 15)? 
In the Christian church within America, we don’t pride ourselves in circumcision or not. What are the areas where self-righteousness or pride may creep up on us in our world today? How can we remind ourselves of their futility and our need for the new creation on a regular basis? How do you remind yourself about your need to be made new? Spend time in prayer today asking God to help you remember what you were apart from God. Thank Him for making you a new creation.