Balance Between Mission and Discussion

Austin Maxheimer   -  

Leader Question: What’s a Good Balance Between Being Out in the Community Serving and Bible Study Discussion?
The quick answer is that it will be different for every group, and each group will have to find their own balance based on your “Made for This” and unique group mission.
Before answering the question more directly, reflect on these three quotes:
“We tried—and failed—to think our way into a new way of acting. Try to act your way into a new way of thinking.” – Alan Hirsch
“We don’t need more Bible Study groups, we need more Bible practice groups.” – Bill Donahue
“If we believe that discipleship is what happens through a half hour of study one day a week, our definition of discipleship is grossly incomplete.” – Zach Below
The point being that Bible study isn’t the problem, it’s that our outward expression of Christian community has been inadequate for so long, that we need to rethink or shift the purpose of why we gather as Christians.
Here are three more questions to ponder:

Does real ‘study’ actually happen? Honestly. Being truthful about this is very important and why we call for all Teams to take the “Small Group Audit”. For study to happen there needs to be a base of comprehension to build on. It has not been my experience that genuine study happens during Team time. Not to say it doesn’t or can’t! But if it does, then celebrate it. Recognize that’s part of why God brought you together and make it an integral part of your mission. 

Are we aiming at the right target? If you had to choose between 45-minutes of thrilling discussion once a week or for everyone on your Team, or for everyone on your Team to reflect daily on Scripture, which would we choose? Of course, we want both, but equipping people to be in God’s Word daily will actually create natural discussion around application of faith.

Where does life change happen? I know a few people who have had life change experiences merely by reading the Bible—but these are the people I know that are most excited about being out on Mission with God! For those of us who have been following Jesus for a while, we experience Him most deeply now while on mission. And for those far from God (the mission), they experience Jesus much more easily through interacting with people who are showing them God’s love alive through Christian community.

The ultimate goal is to shift our understanding to being in the community 100% of the time and in Bible study 100% of the time. By that I mean even when we’re on the couch studying and discussing we are doing so through the lens of mission and with a heart for the lost. Even when we’re out in the community we are letting the Biblical worldview—gained through reflection on Scripture—shape our activities and interactions with people.