Made For This
We believe God has designed each and every one of us as a one-of-a-kind individual. With that design comes unique wiring, strengths, personality, experiences, and other elements that give you the ability to lead, serve, and live in ways that no other person ever can. We call this your “Made For This,” and we believe a critical piece of you experiencing radical belonging, restorative hope, and Jesus-centered transformation is for you to know what yours is and how to develop it. Doing so, we hope, will allow you to find your unique seat at the table where you can live, grow, and multiply exactly who you were designed to be.
Use the exercises below to help you develop a basic understanding of your own Made For This, and begin developing it regularly.
We believe God has designed each of us uniquely with strengths and spiritual gifts. You can read about these in many areas throughout the New Testament of your Bible. Understanding the gifts God has uniquely given you is important to discovering and developing your Made For This. Tap on the tools below to help you get started:
There are certain things in each of our lives that we just have a “heart” for. This is different for each of us, but can help develop clarity around your Made For This. To identify this, process these questions, whether in a journal, with a friend, or just as a thought exercise:
- What are you most passionate about in life?
- What do you get excited about being a part of
- Whether positive or negative, what are the things that, when you see them, make you want to “get in the game?”
- What are the things that keep you up at night and wake you up in the morning?
Another element that helps define your Made For This is your abilities. In most, if not all, cases, your Made For This will fall somewhere within your natural ability to accomplish what you set out to do. To help identify these, process the follow questions:
- Where are you the most skillful?
- What do people say you are naturally good at?
- What seems to come easier to you than most?
You will naturally be more compatible with things that align with your internal wiring and inclinations. We all have some basic understanding of our own personality, but diving deeper into this can help you narrow down your Made For This. Tap the tools below to help you get started:
It is said, “People admire you for your accomplishments, but they identify with you through your pain.” The number one way you will influence the world around you is by speaking out of your struggles. Each of the elements above will largely be filtered through your lived experiences, both good and bad, and expressed uniquely because of them. To help you drill down further into your how your Made For This will be expressed through these experiences, process these questions by yourself or with those you trust:
- What moments throughout your life, whether good or bad, have shaped who you are today?
- Where, and with whom, do your experiences give you unique credibility?