12.3.23 Huddle Opening Discussion Do you feel a closer sense of community around Christmas time? Why or why not? Read and Discuss Read Exodus 14:9-14 9...
11.26.23 Huddle Opening Discussion Are you an introvert or extrovert? If you are an introvert, how do you handle being in community with other followers of...
11.19.23 Huddle Opening Discussion What are some ways the people around you, your community, have helped you recently? If you are having trouble answering...
11.12.23 Huddle Opening Discussion Who is someone who annoyed you at first, but as you got to know them, you became friends? Read and Discuss Exodus 3:1-10...
11.5.23 Huddle Opening Discussion What is a fun community event you have attended or helped put on? What did you enjoy about it? Read & Discuss Luke...
10.29.23 Huddle Opening Discussion When you doubt something in life, what do you do to find clarity about the situation? Read and Discuss Luke 24:1-12 1 On...
10.22.23 Huddle Opening Discussion What was something you didn’t believe at first, but then when you got more information about it, you believed it? Read...
10.15.23 Huddle Opening Discussion What are your top two pet peeves? Read and Discuss Luke 22:39-42 (This takes place immediately after the last supper,...
10.8.23 Huddle Opening Discussion What’s a rule your parents had that was hard for you to follow? What are some silly rules or laws you’ve heard...