Common Chaos: Easter Sunday
Intro: Easter Sunday
The entire series was introduced on Easter and was founded on Luke 24: 36 – 49 where we saw that
Jesus’ resurrection
affirms science. Jesus emphasized his PHYSICAL resurrection
Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
The bible affirms God’s creation of physical things. Studying our physical bodies can help us understand how to deal with relationships, addictions and stress.
Jesus’ resurrection affirms our lives have meaning.
Viktor Frankl – -Jewish Doctor and holocaust survivor discovered that survivors of the Nazi concentration camps were marked by having a greater meaning in their lives. “the only way for the prisoners’ humanity to survive was to relocate the main meaning of their lives to some transcendent reference point, something beyond this life and even this world.” – Viktor Frankl
Jesus’ resurrection affirms the availability of God’s power
Miracles happen in modern times. When it comes to relationships, addictions and stress, pray and be prayed for.
Common Chaos: Part 1
When facing problems with relationships, addictions and stress. . .
1) Admit we’re flawed. We all have problems. We all fall short. The church should be a safe place to be open about our problems.
2) Ask for help. Jesus’ death and resurrection assumes we need help. To make progress in any of these areas, be willing to ask for help. And, when help comes, understand it will be counter-intuitive. We must be willing to do things differently.
3) Value relationships highly enough to be willing to admit you’re flawed and get help.
Science has discovered in many ways that relationships are life’s most important key for happiness, fulfillment and meaning. A richer relational life is worth the price.
Common Chaos: Part 2
Experience teaches, the bible commands and science confirms – love and relationships are the single greatest thing in life.
Since that’s true: we should be proactive about this category. But, most of are not. We are proactive about our careers, our hobbies, our health and our education. But, when it comes to relationships, we wing it.
Don’t wing it.
Love is, first, a proactive pursuit, not a passive experience
Love is a command. It can be chosen.
Marriage and even deep friendships in the bible are built on commitment.
Relationships are all about proactivity and intentionality.
Look at relationships as no different than acquiring an education or attaining a skill set for employment. It takes work, daily work for joy and peace and fulfillment.”
Common Chaos: Part 3
1 skill in relationships: LISTEN
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. . . ” James 1:19
The 4 dimensions of listening are:
1) Be interested. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2: 3 – 4
2) Be present. Wherever you are. . . be there. Do active things, like getting your smart phone out of sight to help you be more present.
3) Be empathetic. empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12: 15
4) Be committed (don’t threaten the relationship). Commitment to the relationships is critical in any relationship. . . especially important in helping people overcome addictions. . .
Common Chaos: Part 4
Tell the truth. You have to admit you have a problem before you can solve it.
Get help. By definition an addiction is something that has mastered you. You will HAVE to receive outside input in some way shape or form: God, better information, counselor, 12 Step program. Overcoming addiction about calling out and being helped.
Change directions. Jesus talks about repentance. Repentance is about the overall change of our mindset and hearts loyalties, our values and destination of our lives.
Ego fatigue. You can only resist a habit for so long.
Addiction is about pursuing a new thing – not just trying to overcome a bad thing.
Common Chaos: Part 5
Stress is both good and bad. It is your body’s built in system for reaction and focus.
The bad part of stress is leaving the “fight or flight” mechanism on as a lifestyle.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious (same word Jesus uses translated worry, care – over-thinking –overly brooding over something. ) about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 4 – 7
When you’re stressed:
Breathe. Science will tell you that your body will slow down if you take a deep breath and exhale for about twice as long as it took you to inhale.
Walk. “Walking is wonderful. It improves your circulation, keeps your joints lubricated and builds stamina.
Pray from where you are. This means turn to God and articulate exactly what’s making you stressed and how you feel. Give language to it.
Pray specific requests. (Petition) Tell God exactly what you would love to see him do about it. The more details the better. Stress is us operating out of the emotional center of our brain instead of the logical part of our brain. Petitionary prayer can calm us down by taking us back to our logical brain.
Give thanks. Science has proven that the act of giving thanks is very good for our sense of peace and fulfillment in life. Giving thanks will calm you down and put things in perspective.
Common Chaos: Part 6
Stress and Conclusion
Be proactive.
Be realistic
Be ordered
Podcast Episodes On Common Chaos
Support Groups
Crossroads Christian Church offers support groups that meet on Monday evenings to provide practical, real-life solutions in a Christ-centered atmosphere.
Addiction Resources
Celebrate Recovery
Thursday's @ 6:30 PMCelebrate Recovery is a great place to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the eight recovery principles found in the Beatitudes and through Christ-centered 12 Steps.
Find Out MoreBrentwood Springs
At Brentwood Springs, we offer integrated treatment programs for mental health and addiction designed to work with you through each step of recovery. We assess and personalize programs and services to help you become happier, stronger, and healthier than ever before.
Visit Website12 Step Recovery
For those struggling with addiction,freedom can seem impossible on your own.The Accent on Christ 12-Step Recovery program provides a strong support system. It’s a confidential, Christ-centered, non-residential 12-step recovery program designed to serve as a strong support system to help any addiction or life-controlling issue.• Meetings are Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Accent on Christ building on the ECLC campus
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Christian Counseling Services
1133 W. Mill Road, Suite 211, Evansville, IN812-483-2364$75/hr
Visit WebsiteCrossroads Counseling Center
4311 Epworth Rd, Newburgh, IN812-518-1490First appt $50, subsequent appts on sliding scale based on income
Visit WebsiteLighthouse Counseling Services, Inc.
230 2nd St., Suite 406, Henderson KY270-826-8761Insurance accepted
Visit WebsiteWithin Sight
15 S. Vann Ave, Evansville, IN812-402-8333$220 initial eval, subsequent appts $150-$175 - Insurance accepted
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General Resources
The below resources connect to many different topics.
211 Resources
2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps Hoosiers across Indiana find the local resources they need.
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2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps get you connected to resources. You can call 24 hours a day.
Deaconess Support Groups
Deaconess Health System offers a wide variety of classes and services to help the community stay healthy and live well.
View Support GroupsEvansville Christian Life Center
The ECLC has multiple services with the mission of helping people move from a place of need to their potential.
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