October 16, 2015

Trey McClain   -  

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:25-30
25But I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, co-worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. 26For he longs for all of you and is distressed because you heard he was ill. 27Indeed he was ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.28Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, so that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety. 29So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him, 30because he almost died for the work of Christ. He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me.
Questions for Reflection: 
The church at Philippi sent one of their pastors, Epaphroditus, to encourage and care for Paul. In a time before the US Postal Service, individuals would send trusted colleagues with their messages. What happened to Epaphroditus when he got to Paul? Why did this make Paul anxious? Why did Paul instruct the Philippians to honor Epaphroditus? 
There is a false assumption that is sometimes taught in Western Christianity that if we follow Jesus everything will be easy and good. However this does not line up with what we see over and over again in Scripture. This passage reminds us that sometimes following Christ will lead to difficulties and challenges. Paul was in prison. Epaphroditus nearly died from sickness. Yet through it all, they trusted God. What challenges are you facing and how can you lean into God through them?