7.21.24 Huddle

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Opening Discussion

  • What are your top three songs or musical artists?

Shortened Version

Read and Discuss

Judges 4:15-21

15 The Lord threw Sisera, all his charioteers, and all his army into a panic before Barak’s assault. Sisera left his chariot and fled on foot. 16 Barak pursued the chariots and the army as far as Harosheth of the Nations, and the whole army of Sisera fell by the sword; not a single man was left.

17 Meanwhile, Sisera had fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was peace between King Jabin of Hazor and the family of Heber the Kenite. 18 Jael went out to greet Sisera and said to him, “Come in, my lord. Come in with me. Don’t be afraid.” So he went into her tent, and she covered him with a blanket. 19 He said to her, “Please give me a little water to drink for I am thirsty.” She opened a container of milk, gave him a drink, and covered him again. 20 Then he said to her, “Stand at the entrance to the tent. If a man comes and asks you, ‘Is there a man here?’ say, ‘No.’” 21 While he was sleeping from exhaustion, Heber’s wife, Jael, took a tent peg, grabbed a hammer, and went silently to Sisera. She hammered the peg into his temple and drove it into the ground, and he died.

  • What stands out about this passage?
  • How did the Lord use Jael to rescue Israel?
  • What are some ways the Lord has used you to help people around you?

Judges 5:24-30

24 Most blessed of women is Jael,
the wife of Heber the Kenite;
she is most blessed among tent-dwelling women.
25 He asked for water; she gave him milk.
She brought him cream in a majestic bowl.
26 She reached for a tent peg,
her right hand, for a workman’s hammer.
Then she hammered Sisera—
she crushed his head;
she shattered and pierced his temple.
27  He collapsed, he fell, he lay down between her feet;
he collapsed, he fell between her feet;
where he collapsed, there he fell—dead.

28 Sisera’s mother looked through the window;
she peered through the lattice, crying out:
“Why is his chariot so long in coming?
Why don’t I hear the hoofbeats of his horses?”
29 Her wisest princesses answer her;
she even answers herself:
30 “Are they not finding and dividing the spoil—
a girl or two for each warrior,
the spoil of colored garments for Sisera,
the spoil of an embroidered garment or two for my neck?”

  • How is this song different from other worship songs you’ve heard?
    • How is it similar?
  • What are some ways you can worship in the midst of hardship?
    • What are some ways you can worship during times of triumph in your life?

Discipleship Questions

  • What is the Lord calling you to do that will require you to have faith in Him?
  • Who are the influences in your life that are drawing you closer to the Lord?
  • What can you do this week to worship the Lord through the normal happenings of life?

Extended Edition

Read and Discuss

Judges 4:15-21

15 The Lord threw Sisera, all his charioteers, and all his army into a panic before Barak’s assault. Sisera left his chariot and fled on foot. 16 Barak pursued the chariots and the army as far as Harosheth of the Nations, and the whole army of Sisera fell by the sword; not a single man was left.

17 Meanwhile, Sisera had fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was peace between King Jabin of Hazor and the family of Heber the Kenite. 18 Jael went out to greet Sisera and said to him, “Come in, my lord. Come in with me. Don’t be afraid.” So he went into her tent, and she covered him with a blanket. 19 He said to her, “Please give me a little water to drink for I am thirsty.” She opened a container of milk, gave him a drink, and covered him again. 20 Then he said to her, “Stand at the entrance to the tent. If a man comes and asks you, ‘Is there a man here?’ say, ‘No.’” 21 While he was sleeping from exhaustion, Heber’s wife, Jael, took a tent peg, grabbed a hammer, and went silently to Sisera. She hammered the peg into his temple and drove it into the ground, and he died.

  • What stands out about this passage?
  • How did the Lord use Jael to rescue Israel?
  • What are some ways the Lord has used you to help people around you?
  • When have people pretended to be your friend, but really didn’t have your best interest in mind?
    • How did you handle that situation?
  • Heber the Kenite had befriended the enemy. What are some ways we give the enemy influence in our life?
  • How can you fight against the enemy and his schemes this week?

Judges 5:24-30

24 Most blessed of women is Jael,
the wife of Heber the Kenite;
she is most blessed among tent-dwelling women.
25 He asked for water; she gave him milk.
She brought him cream in a majestic bowl.
26 She reached for a tent peg,
her right hand, for a workman’s hammer.
Then she hammered Sisera—
she crushed his head;
she shattered and pierced his temple.
27  He collapsed, he fell, he lay down between her feet;
he collapsed, he fell between her feet;
where he collapsed, there he fell—dead.

28 Sisera’s mother looked through the window;
she peered through the lattice, crying out:
“Why is his chariot so long in coming?
Why don’t I hear the hoofbeats of his horses?”
29 Her wisest princesses answer her;
she even answers herself:
30 “Are they not finding and dividing the spoil—
a girl or two for each warrior,
the spoil of colored garments for Sisera,
the spoil of an embroidered garment or two for my neck?”

  • How is this song different from other worship songs you’ve heard?
    • How is it similar?
  • What are some ways you can worship in the midst of hardship?
    • What are some ways you can worship during times of triumph in your life?
  • If you were to write a worship song about events happening in your life, what would you include in that song?
  • Do you find it easier to worship during hard times or good times?
  • What can you do to make sure you are worshiping all the time?

Discipleship Questions

  • What is the Lord calling you to do that will require you to have faith in Him?
  • Who are the influences in your life that are drawing you closer to the Lord?
  • What can you do this week to worship the Lord through the normal happenings of life?

Memorize it!

Judges 4:21 While he was sleeping from exhaustion, Heber’s wife, Jael, took a tent peg, grabbed a hammer, and went silently to Sisera. She hammered the peg into his temple and drove it into the ground, and he died.

Prayer TACOS

Thanksgiving- Thank the Lord for being there for us in good and bad times

Adoration- Take time to worship the Lord for rescuing us

Confess to the times you’ve allowed the enemy to have a louder voice in your life than the Lord

Others- Pray for someone who is having a hard time. Ask the Lord to show you ways to comfort them in the Lord.

Self- Ask the Lord to show you how to worship Him no matter what