Zach Below   -  


Since this may be your first week back since taking a break for Christmas-New Year…


  1. What was one great moment you had over Christmas break?


  1. Did anyone adopt any new practices or resolutions for 2020?




Last week we kicked off our Travel Log Series…a study of the book of Acts. Acts paints a picture growth and expansion of the early church and gives us insight into how our lives can be marked by mission and movement as well.


  1. In the message Sunday, Bret said that all of us are wired by God with the desire to have impact. Do you agree with that? How has that desire shown up in your own life?




  • Acts is generally spit up into two sections: Acts 1-12 is tells the story of the expansion of the church through the Peter’s movement and ministry…then, in chapter 13, there is a shift to Paul’s movement and ministry. Acts 13-28 narrates the expansion of the church through Paul’s ministry.


  • In the section that we are reading today, we are seeing the beginning of Paul’s ministry. It is the preparation for his first missionary journey.


  • Note: The “John” mentioned in this section, is not John the Baptist, nor is it the apostle John (who wrote the gospel of John). The John the are speaking of is an early follower of Jesus named John Mark. John Mark wrote the gospel of Mark which is believed by many to be his recording of the apostle Peter’s account of Jesus’s life and ministry.


READ ACTS 13:1-5

13 Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.

The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus. When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. John was with them as their helper.


  1. What stands out to you as significant from this text?


  1. In what ways did they prepare for their mission?




The first week of the Travel Log series pointed out that…If you want your life to be marked by mission and movement…RECOGNIZE THAT IF YOU ARE IN CHRIST, YOU ALREADY HAVE IT.


This weeks takeaway was…If you want your life to be marked by mission and movement…LOVE AND SERVE THE CHURCH.


  1. How does the text we just read relate or speak to this takeaway?


  1. What does it mean that the church is “the assumed reality” of the New Testament…or the “assumed norm” of the Christ following community?
  • Why is that important?
  • How does it speak to the importance of being a part of a Christ-Centered community?


  1. The church gives us a real-life opportunity to live out what we believe…to move it out of just the thought world and into our muscle memory.
  • What transition has to take place in a person to make this true?
  • How does the church help us do this?
  • Give an example from your life?


  1. In what ways has the church contributed to your spiritual formation? How has it/does it help you follow Jesus?



We just had a Connection Event this past Sunday. Because there may be some new people in your groups, it provides us a good opportunity to review the 3 “Must-Have’s” in every group.


  1. Connection— Our groups are not all business, not simply a time to download Biblical information. Group members should be known and loved.


  1. Care- Where does care happen in the church? If your mom is in the hospital, you are going through a struggle, or just need encouragement, who provides that? We believe that the most authentic place for care to happen is from a community of people you are in an on-going connected relationship with. Aka…your group.


  1. Bible Engagement- While groups are not “all business,” they are more than just small talk. We want to help each other trust and follow Jesus more and that means regularly engaging with scripture in community.


  • Which of these three characteristics of groups are you most drawn to?
  • Which one makes you take a step back or feel anxious? Why do you think that is?


  • Which of these three does your group do really well?
  • Which of these three could your group improve on?
  • Brainstorm 1 practical step for improvement.