The Holy Spirit Gathered People to Gideon

Dan Sullivan   -  

33 Now all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the East came together, and they crossed the Jordan and encamped in the Valley of Jezreel. 34 But the Spirit of the LORD clothed Gideon, and he sounded the trumpet, and the Abiezrites were called out to follow him. 35 And he sent messengers throughout all Manasseh, and they too were called out to follow him. And he sent messengers to Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali, and they went up to meet them.

The word of the Lord is now being fulfilled as Gideon takes action. God said that he would go and fight against all of Israel’s enemies as one man. As all of these tribes unite and join him, you know that is building his faith in God. The people may or may not be increasing in their faith. It could be patriotism, it could be unity attributed to the other gods they’ve begun to worship, whatever, but as they join and hear from Gideon, they will hear the truth.

People gather for all kinds of weird reasons, don’t they? I never understood professional wrestling, but the fact that the Christian band SKILLET just got one of their songs to become the theme for WWE is pretty cool. Hopefully, droves of people will check them out and dive into the lyrics of their songs.

I have known people that had a cake-baking business just to get to know people better–to get into the life events that they celebrated and to share the love of Jesus at those times. Again, people coming together for a one-year-old’s birthday party come for one reason, but in the process can hear about the love of Jesus and the salvation of their souls.

Remember the series called The Table? That was an ongoing example of bringing people together to talk about the Bible and Jesus. Don’t be nervous, mighty warrior. Some of you are being nudged and called to gather people together, either by the twos or by the hundreds, for various reasons. As the people come, let’s pray that they ultimately see that it’s all about Jesus.

You can gather folks in a coffee shop, in a board room, or a front yard. There is an epidemic of loneliness in our culture today, and you’d be surprised at how many people are just waiting for an excuse to gather.

Pray and ask the Lord to clothe you (He already has!) and grab your trumpet. People are waiting to be gathered together to grow in the Lord.

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