Huddle/Week of 8-25-19

Onelifechurch   -  

Huddle time is an opportunity for you to connect to each other and grow in faith. The below questions are just a resource for you to use or start from. Don’t feel like you have to use them all or rush through good discussion. 

What are interactions that you used to have with people that have been replaced by digital/technology? (Example: Grocery shopping online)

What are the benefits of the new tech? What are the negative sides of it?

What do we miss?

There are studies that show cell phone/social media usage being linked to higher rates of depression and loneliness.

Do you have limits for your screen/device usage?

If you have children, do you set limits for them? If so, why and what are they?

One study shows that, on average, we spend 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on our phones. What would you say is a reasonable amount of screen time for adults per day? What about kids?

How can we cultivate a “we mentality” instead of a “me mentality”?

Read Acts 2:42-47

What does this passage teach us about what is important to God and his design for community?

Community requires that we Wake Up: recognize the need for bing in community with others; Show Up: when you recognize a need, act on it; Build Up: see people the way God sees them and let that influence your interactions.

Do you have an example of when someone in your life did these things for you?

What are some of the reasons we struggle to live this out?

Is there anyone you are being intentional with doing these things? If not, pray about who God may be leading you to invest in and show His love to.


These are great questions and can be used one at a time, or one from each section even if time is short. Most importantly if used consistently, then people will be conscious of starting to develop the habits and lifestyle of becoming a disciple.

How have you seen God working in your life in the last week; through successes, failures or disappointments?

Share with me what or who you are praying for and why.
What are you and your team/group members praying for?
At what moment did you feel closest to Christ this week?


Catch me up on scriptures you’re reading.
What is God teaching you through His word and how are you responding?
What scriptures speak to your “made for this”?
What scriptures are you struggling to understand?
What scriptures are you understanding, yet struggling to apply?


How did the Lord use you to show His love this week:
In your family, team, group, or workplace?
In your everyday interaction with others?
Who are you helping to trust and follow Jesus?
What are your plans for next week in the areas of: prayer, bible study and sharing Christ’s love?