One Life Kids Needs You
Here at One Life, we have, from day one, boldly proclaimed that our Kids! are a big deal. Don’t believe me? Just peek inside our preschool and elementary rooms during worship on any Sunday morning and you will see rooms full of energetic children. You will see them singing, praising Jesus and learning Biblical truths in a fun, exciting way. Mixed with the children you will also find adults, usually dressed in orange, doing the same. Our adult volunteers have a passion for seeing children know Jesus and it shows! They can be found sitting on the floor with the kids engaging them by talking about the weekly lessons, jumping up and down with them singing songs and running around playing games. We also have volunteers who serve in quieter roles to balance out the organized chaos. These volunteers can be found down the hall quietly rocking babies and poking bellies hoping for a giggle. We think we have some of the cutest little babies around. If you ask the volunteers, I’m sure they’d agree. We also have a team of adults who may not be directly engaging with the children, rather playing a supportive role by gathering supplies during the week, decorating the stage, sitting in the tech booth operating the microphones for the emcees on stage or serving as a security guard to keep everyone safe. Every single volunteer plays a vital role. Without them Kids! ministry would not be able to offer the level of excellence that it does.
To allow our Kids! ministry to expand and grow, while still maintaining that level of excellence, we need your help.
We have volunteer roles that we need to be filled in all areas of this ministry, including security, nursery, preschool, elementary and curriculum support. If you are new to One Life or, perhaps, just haven’t made the move to join a team, let this serve as my personal invite to you. The Kids! team is the place to be! We have serving opportunities available to accommodate your individual spiritual gifts and skill set, as well as honor the amount of time you have available to invest.
If you would like to join our team or if you’d like to discuss the options, I’d love to chat. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 270-844-9156.
I look forward to seeing you in orange very soon!