Huddle // Week of 11.26.17

One Life Network   -  

We want to give permission to go through the journey when it comes to generosity.At this moment, would you consider yourself intrigued about giving, arms folded and put off by the idea, or in a good place?
If you grew up in church, what was your experience with the idea of tithing?Was it talked about often, sometimes or not at all? Do you think you were given a good understanding of what it means and the expectations around tithing?
When you think about giving, what are some of your fears or what makes you apprehensive about it?
If you believe you have matured in your journey, when it comes to generosity, what was a barrier that you overcame and what helped you get passed it?
We learned that generosity is an act of worship and a way loving others. Read: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15How does this passage inform and add meaning to our generosity?
We don’t give because God needs money. In fact, the Bible teaches that all we have is ultimately a gift from Him.
Acts 17:25 says -And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.
Let’s pray together and worship God for His grace and ask that He would grow our hearts in generosity so that we could become more like Him.

At what moment did you feel closest to Christ this week?

Catch me up on scriptures you’re reading.

How did the Lord use you to show His love this week: In your family, team, group, or workplace?