Huddle : Becoming Part 4

One Life Network   -  

If you were making breakfast for Jesus, what would you make for him?

Suffering brought on by yourself or suffering not brought by you. Which of these is more challenging to your faith?
Share a time in your life where suffering had an affect on your relationship with God positively or negatively.
If it was positive, how did you grow from that? If it was negative, how did you find your way back?

Read: Matthew 26:74-75
Read: John 21:9-24

Do you think there is an intentional correlation between asking Peter if he loves Jesus 3 times and Peter denying him 3 times – both around a charcoal fire? If yes, what is the significance?
Why is the first instinct to blame people for our own failure?
Bret quoted “the area of your greatest suffering, can be the area of your greatest ministry.” — do you believe that and can you identify that in your own life? Or what examples have you seen of that? A great speaker or leader who uses their time of suffering.

Bret said people need to see you walking with a limp. What do you think that means?
What areas of your life to find it most difficult to walk with a limp? Among your peers? Within the church?
Where do you have an opportunity, like Jesus responded to Peter, and reached out to him? Is there someone in your life you can restore and respond with the same kind of grace?


At what moment did you feel closest to Christ this week?

What is God teaching you through His word and how are you responding?

How did the Lord use you to show His love this week: In your everyday interaction with others?