Orange Out Reflections

Austin Maxheimer   -  

It was an honor to shape some of the elements of the service yesterday to highlight you all–our church–serving in Kids Min. I hope and pray you felt valued and celebrated…because you are! I wanted to send out this quick note of 3 reflections I had about yesterday:
1. You all are truly amazing.
The passion, dedication, servant hearts, and excellence you bring to our Kids Min is truly remarkable and cannot be celebrated enough. At One Life, Kids Min is not second fiddle, it is first chair. We don’t have Kids Min in order to have adult services. We have Kids Min because kids are Worshippers now and we have the bold prayer as a church family to change the worldview of the next generation. That begins with you all. You are the frontline of that prayer. I hope you understand it, believe it, and are fueled by that amazing mission and vision.
2. Personal asks fill out teams.
We will continue to periodically hit the the flywheel on our Kids Min, celebrate you amazing servants, and hopefully get better and better about moving people through our path (Kick Start–Growth Groups–Mission Teams), but did you hear both Travis and Vonn’s story of how they stepped into their roles? It was a friend bringing them on his arm. It was a personal ask of ‘come and see’ that didn’t come out of need, but passion. Jason Arnold loved what he did and wanted to bring his friends along on the journey. Don’t wait for the “church” to fill out your teams, be proactive, be The Church, and ask someone you know to come along with you.
3. Have new Team members arrive to a healthy team.
The greatest gift we can give someone –apart from grace and eternal life through knowing Jesus–is to become part of a healthy, Christ-centered community. A group or team of people pursuing Worship-Love-Compassion together in the name of Jesus. This is also what people want to step into and will stick around for. Is your team ready to receive people? Bluntly put, people don’t want to be part of a dysfunctional team. Is your team broken? It’s OK if it is! We’ve all been there. But let’s admit it, ask for help, have some crucial conversations, and talk about solutions. Then we can get our teams healthy and moving towards mission-driven, discipling environments that can impact the next generation while building up the adults on our team at the same time!
Thanks one final time, and know that you are deeply loved and appreciated,
One Life West Pastors and Directors.