The Greatest: Week 3

Trey McClain   -  

Team Huddle Greatest Wk3 from One Life Church on Vimeo.
Worship, Love, Compassion
1.  How does understanding God’s love for us and how he models that help you love others? How can you do that practically this week?  
2. We teach our kids to act in love regardless of how others treat them. “Johnny why did you hit Caleb?” “He hit me first.” “It doesn’t matter how they treat you. You have to be kind regardless.” As adults we still struggle with that. How can we better develop this within our team and our relationships?
3. What does it look like to love first on your team, without waiting for someone to give you a reason to love them?
Intentional Discipleship Questions:
1. Share with me what or who you are praying for and why.
2. What Scriptures are you understanding, yet struggling to apply?
3. What are your plans for next week in the areas of: prayer, Bible study and sharing Christ’s love?