Everything Changed: Week 2
Worship, Love, Compassion
1. What is the best gift you were ever given? Did you ever get a historically bad gift? What makes those gifts so memorable?
2. We talked this week about Jesus Christ as our Savior. What has He saved you from? Don’t answer generically with an answer like sin. What would your life look like apart from God’s work in your life?
3. Last week we talked about what we can do about being more open to people. Bret reminded us this week that every person has value. How are we doing on really acting on what we’ve talked about? Are we treating others with the value that God has placed on them?
Intentional Discipleship Questions:
1. Share with me what or who you are praying for and why.?
2. What scriptures are you understanding, yet struggling to apply?
3. What are your plans for next week in the areas of: prayer, Bible study and sharing Christ’s love?