Model Family: Week 3

Austin Maxheimer   -  

Worship, Love, Compassion
1. Worship is directing all of your life toward God. This includes your emotions. Pastor Ryan Nunn talked about the emotional jug, calling for ‘Emotional Openness’ in marriages. Let’s apply this to our Mission Teams. Let’s have open and real conversations. What are you made about? What are you sad about? What is giving you joy? Remember the rules…”Thank you for sharing,” is your only response!
2. Have some fun with the 5 Love Languages as a Team. Take the quiz and discuss. What was your highest? What was your lowest? Was there anything that surprised you in there concerning yourself? How about your Teammates?
3. Having empathy for your Teammates is a great way to show and model Biblical Compassion. Break out into smaller groups of 3 and listen to each other. How was your week? What is something you are struggling with? What has been a big win over the last month or so? Practice active listening. 
Helping one another experience Jesus
Summer is almost over. While we are still in the Model Family series and summer, go ahead and get your families together just to hang out. Go swimming. Have a cookout. Order some fried chicken and go to a park. Have some fun together!
Helping people far from God experience Jesus
When you are far from God in your marriage it effects everything. If this is you, we encourage you to check out this resource: Make it Last . In addition, every Campus has outside Mission Teams that focus on strengthening marriages. Check in at the Connection Kiosk or talk to your Campus Pastor to get connected.