Why Church? Week 4

Austin Maxheimer   -  

Worship, Love, Compassion
1. Worship includes singing, but that is far from it’s only expression in our lives. Worship is directing all of our lives to God. Serving others is also worship–see Jesus’ washing the disciples feet. How does worship happen on your Team as you serve? How is City Serve Day an expression of worship? Read Ephesians 2:17-22 together. What does this passage teach you about worship and service?
2. “A solitary Christian is a walking oxymoron.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? How has being on this team helped you grow?
3. We are called to reach people together. Were there any baptism stories that you heard where your area (frontline, outside mission teams, nursery, etc.) was key to helping reach someone far from God? What about past baptisms? What’s your favorite story you’ve heard about a Mission Team helping someone experience Jesus?
Helping one another experience Jesus
Share with your Team a time when someone helped you grow in your experience of Jesus. Take the time to write a note or an email right now and send it to them this week.
Helping people far from God experience Jesus
City Serve is just one day. How can we as a team use this as a Catalyst for ongoing activity in the community? Make a plan.