Leading up to Easter: Pray

Trey McClain   -  


Just under 7 weeks (45 days to be exact, but who’s counting) until Easter and the launch of One Life East.  Bret has challenged the One Lifers in four key areas leading up to Easter: PRAY, SERVE, GIVE, INVITE. For the next few weeks we’re going to give you practical ways that you and your teams can live these challenges out.  Let’s take a quick look at prayer.
Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 @ 6:00 p.m. 
One Life East (childcare will NOT be provided)
We believe that we are called to pray like it is real. We believe God acts with power in the world through prayer. The Bible tells us to ask, seek, knock and believe God will answer. So as fundamental part of who we are, we want to pray in that way.
On next Wednesday, March 12, we want every One Lifer to join us for a special night as we prepare for the launch of One Life East. This night is about gathering all the church planters of One Life (and remember if you are a One Lifer, you are a church planter) for some time in prayer, worship & reflection.  We will be asking you to bring the names of those that you know are far from God and write their name on the floors of designated areas. Even if you plan on continuing to worship and serve at Henderson or West, we want you there praying for East, your campus, and your friends and family who are far from God.