Week 3

Austin Maxheimer   -  

Worship, Love, Compassion
1.  What is your reaction to the crucifixion?
2.  Do you feel that sin is an outdated concept or is it something you can relate to?
3.  How do you respond to the word “sin” and the word “forgiveness”?
4.  Would you agree that sin is addictive?  What do you see as the consequences of sin, if any?

Helping each other
Many times we have difficulty letting go of our “sins” in the past.  We sometimes have difficulty accepting that what Jesus did for us on the cross was enough.  Write down the “sins” that you need to release, without your name attached.  Put it in a pile and have everyone choose one.  Pray over that through the next week that it will be released.
Helping people far from God
If you use the word “sin” with some people far from God, they shut down.  Work together as a group to be able to explain sin without using the actual word “sin”.