Next Gen: Putting Their Mark on the Future
A month or so ago i found my daughter had put “her mark” on her desk at home. smiley faces, hearts, and peace signs, the typical nine year old girl fare.
It just kept impressing upon me that she is learning to put her mark on stuff. to make things her own. it seems that around 7,8, and 9 years kids begin really becoming their own independent self. it starts with small things such as clothing choices and then expands into how they choose to spend their time, the friends they choose, the shows and games they play, the books they read, and the path they choose to follow in life, or should i say WHO they choose to follow in life. as they make these decisions, they are beginning to “put their mark” on things in many ways. it’s important as parents that we support, guide, and provide ever increasing challenges to shape the mark they are starting to form. we don’t have to wait until they are ready for college to begin to develop the “mark” that God is developing in them. how can we do that?
1. encourage the creativity you see. in kids’ early years their imagination gets lots of use. but as we get older, we tend to use less and less imagination. encouraging the creativity will allow your kids to develop the gifts God has given them.
2. move your child to the next stage in their spiritual walk. talk to your child about their spiritual walk and see where they need to go next. do they need to begin to develop their own quiet time? do they need to begin serving or volunteering?
3. provide opportunity to use the “mark” that God is developing in them. are they good artists? have them design your christmas card. are they good at leading? find a beginning place for them to serve where they have to follow first and then may be asked to lead.
our kids are going to put their mark on something. let’s support, encourage, and give wings to their beginning efforts.
how is your child’s mark developing? what are you doing to encourage it?