Because 50: Week 6

Trey McClain   -  

Scripture Reading: John 15:4-5
Worship, Love, Compassion

In the verse, what does Jesus say we can do apart from the Holy Spirit? How do get the power that we need? How do you stay connected to God?
Does talk about the Holy Spirit make you nervous? excited? confused?
Bret talked about how the Holy Spirit is a gift from God. How do gifts make you feel? What’s your favorite gift that you ever received?
We recently heard someone teach, “God responds to our hunger more than our need.” Is there a specific area of your ministry or your life where you desperately want more of God? Spend time in your group/team in prayer asking God for more of Him.

Intentional Discipleship Questions

What are you praying for and why?
What is God teaching you through His word and how are you responding?
How did God use you to show His love this week in your family, group or team, or workplace?