Is This You?

Mark Weaver   -  

Is This You?
A disciple is one who is following Jesus, being transformed by Jesus and on mission with Jesus. And, the mission of Jesus was for us to make disciples. Thus, discipleship is simply helping people trust and follow Jesus. Is this you?
As I write this, I realize that I am a disciple because people for over 2000 years have been helping others to trust and follow Jesus. We carry a baton we have been handed, then gladly pass it forward to the next generation.

My first opportunity to walk into the call of discipleship was within a month of accepting Jesus Christ’s life that He gave me in exchange for my life. I had just gone through a renewal weekend and answered the challenge I was given to serve in my church family. I started to lead a group of 7th & 8th grade young people. To teach is to learn twice. I realized that I needed to stay ahead of these young people, so I needed to study and learn what God wanted them and me to learn. God does something in us and then through us when we step up and say “Yes” to helping others trust and follow Jesus. We learn more about His mercy, grace and love. And, never doubt that the Holy Spirit will impart to you whatever you lack to complete what you’ve been called to do.
So, you may consider it a ‘call’ to disciple others. You can consider it a mission to disciple others. Both of these are true. What I have found in helping others trust and follow Jesus, is that it is a joy. A joy to see people transformed into the image of Him and then showing others their new love, Jesus.
Helping others trust and follow Jesus–is this you?  Yes, it is if you are His, for He is calling you to be on mission with Him by helping others trust and follow.